Pray & Grow



Be an evangelizing disciple of Christ:  Pray & Grow... Grow in Your Catholic Faith

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19)


"GROW as a disciple" When we talk about growing as a disciple, we focus on four crucial habits that every disciple must do to follow Christ Jesus — prayer, study, engagement, and service. Specifically:

  • Praying every day
  • ​Studying our faith
  • Engaging in parish life
  • Serving others’ needs

"GO evangelize" When we talk about evangelizing, we focus on four ways in which individuals can help others to follow Christ Jesus — intercessory prayer, invitation, witness, and accompaniment. Specifically:

  • Praying for others
  • Inviting others into the Christian community
  • Witnessing about Jesus in natural, everyday encounters
  • Accompanying others as they grow in faith




Pray and Grow October 2024

Click on the images or the date for a PDF copy for personal use!


October 6, 2024





October 13, 2024




October 20, 2024




October 27, 2024