A St. Stephen Outreach Ministry is "in Action"...
The THIRD Tuesday of each month, the Family Life Center and many volunteers work to provide a warm meal at the St. Vincent De Paul Site at 931 W. Madison in Milwaukee.
1-2 volunteers are needed to shop on the THIRD Monday of each month.
6-8 volunteers are needed to prepare the meal Tuesday mornings 9:00 to Noon.
6-8 volunteers are needed to transport and serve the meal.
If you are serving, please bring a cap or hat, if you wish.
Please wear closed-toed shoes, gloves and aprons are provided.
No jackets are worn while serving. No shorts are allowed, only long pants and capris.
Back to St. Stephen around 6:30 PM.
Clean-up the transport utensils at church.
Thank you in advance to all our volunteers who support this St. Stephen Outreach Ministry!
WE NEED YOU and cannot do it without our St. Stephen volunteers!
If carpooling to the site for SVDP Meal Program, please sign up for this 12 minute online class and let us know when you have the online course completed.
Catholic Mutual Group is the insurance company for the Archdiocese.
Catholic Mutual Group https://milwaukee.cmgconnect.org/
Create an account:
Go to OPTIONAL training class:
Safe Driving Class #1: https://milwaukee.cmgconnect.org/user/curriculums/137
Email us when you have this online class completed.
Many thanks for volunteering and helping serve the hungry and those in need!