Scrip at St. Stephen





Enrollment Code- 6LAC763758596


Or scan the QR code



What is the Scrip Gift Card Program

  • Our program is an easy way for you to support Saint Stephen Catholic Church, without increasing your monthly contributions. Scrip cards are issued by a wide variety of retail companies.
  • The merchants provide the purchaser a rebate, ranging from 2% to 18%. As well as weekly specials that provide the purchaser with an extra percentage.
  • You can assign the rebate to our parish using the enrollment code provided, which becomes a tax-deductible contribution at no cost to you.
  • Watch the videos below for more information.


Where do I purchase these gift cards/certifications?

  • Anytime online, at raiseright.com/shop, scan the QR code provided, or visit our website
  • St Stephen offers the first weekend of the month, to purchase your scrip cards stop by the office. The second weekend of the month you can pick up your gift cards from the office.
  • Weekdays in the Parish office from 9 am to 3 pm. Call ahead to have your order ready for pick up.
  • Our scrip volunteers also have many gift cards on hand, please call or email our Administrative Assistant at adminassist@saintstephenmil.org
  • RaiseRight also offers to mail the purchased gift cards to your home or an e-receipt to your email.





Easy Way to Fundraise






Register and Login Here

Enrollment Code- 6LAC763758596



Discover ECards and How to Reload



How to Give an EGift Card