St. Joseph Cemetery
Ministry of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church - 1441 W. Oakwood Road
Oak Creek, WI 53154 (414-762-0552)
Cemetery Physical Address: 6380 S. Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI 53154
2020 St. Joseph’s Cemetery Committee Members:
Mary Jane Lampe
Ray Bailey Jr.
Jan Wilinski
Judy Wehrli
Bill Lesch
Barbara Schrubey
Fr. Robert Kacalo
The process was time consuming and detail oriented. The committee took all of the resources, both physical and in print, to determine to the best of their knowledge, the accuracy of all burials at St. Joseph Cemetery. It was determined at that time approximately 10 years or more of inaccurate record keeping by the cemetery sexton led to having this process be completed, knowing there would ultimately be some omissions to which the committee had no control over.
The Committee did a physical recording of all headstones and markers on September 16 and 23, 2020. Verification process began October 7, 2020.
Resources available for verification process:
1. Copy of original architectural drawing from Steinhagen & Steinhagen January 1937 updated in September 1969.
2. Original parish registry card index.
3. Parish Cemetery binder with alphabetical internment documentation with reference of physical grave plot size of 3’ x 8’.
For individuals that were not listed in any of the above resources, with headstones in place, physical measurements were made from known verified internments for location placement.
A new updateable PDF site drawing was created by Lampe Design, LLC.
2 updateable documents were created in Microsoft Excel for future referencing.
* Section by section listing for all grave locations.
* Numerical listing for all grave locations.
* Abbreviations used: ( R ) = reserved ( C ) = cremation ( I ) = infant
Verification process was completed in October 2021.
To View St. Joseph Cemetery’s Master listing, click on this link.
The file is large ... so follow these steps to locate specific information:
1. Press Ctrl F.
2. Enter First OR Last Name.
3. Click Find Next
To View the Cemetery Grave/Plot Location Map, click on this link.
After you have located your family member or friend, please download the St Joseph Cemetery Grave/Plot location map. With the Block, Section, Lot, and Grave information, you can find the exact location on the map.
Block 1 is to the north. Block 2 is to the South.
Section information is at the top of Block 1 and the bottom of Block 2.
Lot information is located in the upper “Right" corners.
Grave information is designated by the “L1, L2, L3..." identifiers.
NOTE: Using location designations by the lane, will make it easy to identify the row of your family or friend.
We continually strive to update our cemetery records to get them as correct and complete as possible. If you encounter an error in the recorded data of your family plots or have knowledge of the individuals in our unresolved listing, please contact St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, 1441 W. Oakwood Road, Oak Creek, (414) 762-0552, with the correct details. We will update our database accordingly. Thank you for your help!
Click this link to view the UNRESOLVED LISTING
In 2020 Father Robert asked the Knights council if we could paint the cemetery cross at St. Stephens cemetery.
After inspection we decided to remove the concrete figure of Jesus from the cross. We pressure washed the figure removing all old paint. We had to use some adhesive to reattach a foot and arm that were severely cracked. We finally were able to repaint figure of Jesus. We also had to replace the wooden cross as it was rotted. We also repainted wooden structure and put Jesus back in place along with solar lights. The project was completed on July 31, 2020.
Many thanks to the committee members for the long, arduous process, to re-map and verify the plot map for the cemetery. With the new PDF format, it will be easier to update and search needed information for the future.
Good job everyone!