Buildings & Grounds Committee





The role of this standing committee involves the physical condition of the parish property; its maintenance and upkeep. The committee identifies and articulates the needs of the parish in this area and makes recommendations to the Council. These responsibilities include the periodic inspection and evaluation of all parish properties in the areas of safety, security, necessary repairs, remodeling, and new construction. To this end, the committee shall maintain a complete set of all architectural plans, drawings, designs, and specifications for all parish properties. They shall write specifications for all desired and necessary repairs and have contractors submit bids for needed goods and services. They shall recommend purchases of equipment and qualified maintenance services for Council approval. They shall prepare guidelines for the use of parish facilities making certain that any rental or lease agreements conform to the laws of the State and archdiocesan norms and policies. They shall, in conjunction with the Stewardship Committee, prepare and maintain a  list of parishioners who will donate their time and talents for necessary work around the parish.   Please consider joining our committee and using your talents and gifts!  Contact the Parish Office at 414-762-0552, if interested in helping us with many ongoing projects!



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