Baptism begins the process of initiation into the Catholic Community.
Parents accept the moral responsibility to raise their children in the practice of the faith.
Parents must be registered in the parish community and practicing the Faith.
Parents pick up or download the Baptismal Packet to be filled in. Please note the godparent guidelines in the Baptismal Packet when selecting godparents.
Please download the following forms, fill out and return to the Parish Office or call Lynda at 414-762-0552.
Steps in Scheduling Your Baby's Baptism
Welcome to St. Stephen Baptism Booklet
Pray and Study Baptismal Information
Baptismal Sponsor Certificate 1
Baptismal Sponsor Certificate 2
A pre-baptism class is required. Please call for an appointment. Baptisms are celebrated after the weekend Masses.
Please call Lynda at at 762-0552 to schedule the pre-baptism class.
Once your paperwork has been completed you may schedule the Baptism
with Lynda Trani at 414-762-0552.